Protesters gathered at a popular beach in Mogadishu to condemn al-Shabab.
Less than a week ago, militants from the group had murdered twenty people at a restaurant in Lido beach.
The demonstration attracted hundreds to the same beach in solidarity with the dead. Some used the hashtag #LiidoDemonstration to promote the protest.
Hundreds of Somalis have gathered at the scene of an attack on a local beach Liido to demonstrate against #AlShabaab pic.twitter.com/pAcmBln6Tz
— Farhan Jimale (@farhanjimale) January 28, 2016
#LiidoDemonstration in support of victims that lost their lives in #Alshabab attack last week. pic.twitter.com/jo0TrkjjkV
— Warsan Radio Baidao (@WarsanNews) January 28, 2016
Others joined the conversation to highlight broad disdain for Al-Shabab inside Somalia. And praise those attending the protest. Others chanted that al-Shabab has ‘no religion’.
#LiidoDemonstration = act of bravery from people daring to defy & differ from terrorists trying to hold their city hostage. #Somalia
— Ali (@AliMohamoud) January 28, 2016
SOmalia will never die, lets keep hope alive #givepeaceachance #liidodemonstration
— Mohamed Jama (@MJamaAbdullahi) January 28, 2016
Glad to see #LiidoDemonstration taking place in #Mogadishu & for ppl to speak against terror.
— Hana (@Hana_Abukar) January 28, 2016
#LiidoDemonstration leave alone somalia, terrorism/ Alshabab has no place in this world
— Nurr (@nuuriega22) January 28, 2016
Protesters held signs that read “We don’t want Al-Shabab” and “We don’t want Al-shabab…they genocide the cilivians”.
'UGUS (Alshabab) is a disease' a message from the protestors #LiidoDemonstration pic.twitter.com/POWEvWlqX3
— Ibrahim Hassan Mohamud (@cadow10) January 28, 2016
"We don't want Al-shabab…they genocide the cilivians" Said one of the protestors #LiidoDemonstration #Somalia pic.twitter.com/Xe99caGzpU
— ??????? ?????? (@MSudaani) January 28, 2016